Meditation - New Year re(soul)ution


New Year is a perfect occasion for finding solutions to problems and undertaking challenges.

Why do we make resolutions? Because we want to be better. Therefore resolutions usually share a specific description. The goal we set should be of importance to us. Thus achieving it would require a certain amount of determination and patience.


Let’s start 2020 with a life-changing re(soul)ution:

“5-minute meditation”.

To begin with, I would like to clarify the term. It’s worth defining what is meditation as it’s one of those words that is commonly understood and misunderstood at the same time.

Generally speaking meditation is associated with idea of relax and some mysterious extras. So to precise this term, let’s say that meditation is the essence of yoga, and it combines three aspects. The first one is the technique. Here we have instructions that lead us to a comfortable position. However, it’s just a mean to get to the goal. What makes a difference are skills of concentration and awareness. Slowly we get to the second aspect as we start the process of deconditioning. In other words, we react less and less automatic or robotic. Slowly we begin to walk the path of self-transformation, which is the last aspect of meditation.

That leads us to the next questions: why and what for we are practising meditation? What’s so special about it for every one of us?

The amount of scientific publishing, regarding the benefits of meditation, is overwhelming. Let’s narrow the scope of our interest to see what happens in the brain during meditation. From this perspective, advantages can be divided into groups, as meditation:

  1. regulates emotional response, as it helps to reverse our predisposed focus on negative experiences, it improves memory and stimulates positive response;

  2. increases body awareness, regarding breathing, heart rate etc.;

  3. improves attention

  4. expands the perception of “self”, in connection with other people, seeing things from a more global perspective, being less driven by “ego”.


There is a plethora of pros for meditation. However, we can start with setting the switch-off in our hectic, nervous, emotionally challenged life. It’s worth acknowledging that apart from fighting, we need to relax for our well-being. Therefore devoting time for yourself will be probably the most significant challange. So, face it and give yourself the right for “5 minutes meditation”. As egocentric as it may sound, by being better for yourself, you are better for everyone

5 min meditation.

Sit in a comfortable position in a place that you like. Close your eyes as you take a couple of breaths. Feel your breath. Enjoy 5 min with yourself. Continue with the practice for at least a month.

My best wishes and Happy New Year


Sweet dreams